LOINC mapping in perfection

Work efficiently on LOINC mapping and save time through automation

Your Benefits

LOINC Mapping Advantages

The medicalvalues Data Mapper offers several unique benefits for
your LOINC mapping initiative. Learn more about the advantages of using the medicalvalues Data Mapper in the long term.

Save days of work

Enable an optimized mapping workflow for your team. Studies showed that using the medicalvalues Data Mapper for your LOINC Mapping projects is up to 4 times more efficient than manual approaches.

Long-term harmonization

For long-term benefits from harmonization approaches, you have to ensure that LOINC codes are always up-to-date. New laboratory procedures have to be added and existing ones have to be monitored. The medicalvalues Data Mapper ensures that you are always up-to-date with every new LOINC release.

High-quality mapping

As we are using a unique AI approach for mapping LOINC codes, we can reach a very high accuracy rate. Ensure that you and your customers use the same LOINC codes to build a reliable long-term foundation for harmonization in your laboratory and creating LOINC based catalogs.

Software Features

Learn more about the LOINC mapping functionality

  • Automatic validation and optimization

    All input data like units or terms for the system (e.g. blood/serum) are validated automatically. Units are converted if necessary and individual terms are mapped with our large base of relevant terms.

  • Save and continue later

    You can always pause the LOINC mapping process and continue later. We also enable a seamless collaboration if you work on LOINC mapping in your team.

  • Automatic language translation

    The standard language of the LOINC terminology system is English. Besides this, we also offer optimized translations in e.g. German or Spanish.

  • Advanced filters

    Use the filter function to find the correct LOINC code faster. You can efficiently apply filters for LOINC property, system, scale, units, or methods.

  • AI-based approach

    With our unique AI approach, we can make the best possible match. The medicalvalues Diagnostic Pathways with a large set of laboratory reference ranges are used to improve the accuracy even further.

  • Simply upload your CSV files

    Just save your laboratory data export as CSV files or convert your Excel files to a CSV. The Data Mapper offers a fast column mapping to import your data set.

Available for free

Why is it completely free?

We believe that harmonized medical data is the foundation for offering better diagnostics for everyone. We support initiatives like LOINC or SNOMED CT and offer tools like the medicalvalues Data Mapper for free to accelerate healthcare interoperability.

If you are interested in extended integrations (API based) in your own system landscape and workflow processes along with other parts of the medicalvalues platform like our catalog functionality please contact us.


Benefits of using LOINC

The Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®) standard offers a way for international harmonization of laboratory data. Find out more about the advantages of using it.

LOINC structure

A fully specified name of a test result or clinical observation has 5-6 main parts including: the name of the component or analyte measured, its property (substance concentration, mass, volume), the timing of the measurement, the type of sample (serum, urine, etc.), the scale of measurement (qualitative vs. quantitative, etc.), and the method (if relevant – RIA, Immune Blot, etc.). Further explanation can be found here.

Enhance compatibility

The usage of LOINC for your laboratory procedures is the foundation for your future customer experience. Enable your customers to know exactly what to order and support digital order entry processes. Offer a digital LOINC based catalog for attracting new customers and simplify the mapping when customers request tests from you. Across institutions and laboratories, LOINC enables comparability and order allocation for multiple laboratories.

Enable decision support

With the use of LOINC, you can simplify the adoption of laboratory decision support systems like the medicalvalues diagnostic intelligence. By this, you can benefit from advanced knowledge management and gain medical insights from your data. Support your physicians and customers by recommending and ordering the optimal diagnostic tests with LOINC as the essential basis.

Blog Articles & News

MIO ePA Header

MIO Laboratory Report: The Future Path of Laboratory Results into the Electronic Health Record (EHR)

The mio42 GmbH, in collaboration with KBV, has taken on the responsibility for the specification and development of Medical Information Objects (MIOs) for the cross-system exchange of health and patient data. In the context of the MIO laboratory report, they outline the prospective mandatory path for a standardized laboratory report into the electronic health record (EHR), relying on industry standards such as FHIR and LOINC.

In recent months, the implementation of the MIO laboratory report has been further refined. The commenting phase is complete, and the introduction is expected in the second half of 2025.

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Personalized Ordering System

Personalized Ordering System for Complex Customers

Customers have access to a vast array of laboratory tests: depending on the lab, they can order from several hundred to thousands of different parameters. Particularly in complex cases and interdisciplinary specialties, the need for modern support solutions is apparent.

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